A last will and testament is the foundation of a solid estate plan. It is the document that establishes how you wish to distribute your assets to your beneficiaries. Trusts are also an important tool that you can use to pass your property and other assets to your family.
At Burns Thomas, LLC, we can help you make use of a will and trusts to set your loved ones up for a financially stable future. For decades, we have served the people of Connecticut with all aspects of estate planning, including wills and trusts. We make sure you understand the options available so that you can take full advantage of the tools at hand.
Whether the best option for you is a comprehensive will, the establishment of trusts or other estate planning solutions, we will find a solution that fits your needs.
Trusts are fiduciary arrangements in which one party holds and manages your assets for a beneficiary. Some of the options you have for incorporating a trust into your estate plan include:
You do not need to have significant wealth to use a trust. They can benefit you and your inheritors greatly by minimizing the impact of taxes and granting you more control over your assets.
Every adult should have a lawyer create a legally sound will for them. Some of the most important reasons to have a will include:
Most courts will not honor wills that you create yourself with documents that you find online. To ensure that the court upholds your will and other estate planning documents, have our attorneys create them for you.
The sooner you have a will and/or trusts in place, the sooner you can have peace of mind. Our attorneys can give you this peace of mind through our estate planning services.
Contact our firm today to learn more about how our
New Haven County estate planning lawyers can help you.
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