
Contact for Complementary Seminar

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Join Us for an Educational Seminar: Estate Planning to Protect Your Family’s Future

We will discuss:

Will you need a will or a trust? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?
How can you use Lifetime Asset Protection Trusts to preserve your children’s inheritance.
How to use a Power Of Attorney to ensure your finances are protected.
Creating Advanced Directives (Health Directives) that will safeguard your wishes.
Protecting your minor children and keeping them out of the care of strangers.
The Probate process in Connecticut and how to shrink its impact on your loved ones.

May 16th, 6:30pm
Trumbull Marriott Shelton
180 Hawley Ln, Trumbull, CT 06611

Contact our firm today to learn more about how our
New Haven County estate planning lawyers can help you.
